Deviance and Crime
Difference between crime
and deviance:
Violation of state criminal law is called crime while the violation of social norms of a society is called deviance. Agents of control from crimes are police and judiciary and other law enforcement agencies while in case of deviance agents of control from deviance or societal pressure or fear of god. Government has the power of punishment to deal with the crime while in case of deviant society has no coercive power. Crime is always criminal in nature and is punishable by the
penal code of a specific country while deviance is informally violation of societal norms it is not punishable by the penal card but the deviant person will face resistance and harsh response from the society. Violation of law makes deviance a crime while in case of deviance a social change make a behavior as deviant behavior. Crime is considered as severe in nature its intensity is severe while in case of deviance it is not considered as severe in nature by the justice system but sometimes in societies it becomes very severe and intense punishment. Criminal will have to get punishment by the law while deviant people cannot get punishment by the law however living person can be rejected by the society and can make a deviant person as an outsider. Crime is defined by the law while deviance are defined by the society members. Examples killing assault, robbery, kidnapping, rap these are some types of crimes while homosexuality smoking in front of the elders are immature behavior in divine places like most churches etc. and other kind of immoral activities which is against the moral standards of society would be considered as a deviant behavior.
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