
Showing posts from April, 2021

Culture and Society

  Culture's a way of life shared by a group of people and it generally refers to the knowledge, beliefs and values that bind a society together. So culture is very diverse and it may include things like artwork, language and literature. These ways of thinking and feeling and behaving, they're connected to a shared knowledge of a society and they allow the members of that society to gain meaning from the objects and ideas around them. When we talk about society we're referring to the way people organize themself. Society is talking about a bunch of people who live together usually in a specific geographic area, and these people interact more with each other than they do with outsiders. So society shares a common culture over time. To have an understanding of one of these concepts you really should have an understanding of them both. Culture can be thought of as the rules that guide the way people live and society can be thought of as the structure that provides organization ...

Society and Its Types

I am going to cover the  various societies in relation to  industrial advancement  the word society is used quite a bit in  the field of sociology. A  society is defined as a group of  people that live in a community  who share a common culture and know who  belongs to that community and who does  not. A  society is made up not only of people  but also their values  beliefs cultural ideas and their social  institutions. I f a society is considered advanced it  will also share  a political body sociologists have noted  that societies evolve from  pre-industrial  to industrial and then industrial to  post-industrial. T he movement into industrialization  often depends upon the technology  and innovations that have been  introduced and adopted  into these societies. Pre-industrial  societies include hunter-gatherer  pastoral  horticultural agricultural and feuda...